
Bengaluru Splunk User Group


The place for Bengaluru Splunkers to collaborate for knowing about new Splunk Products and capabilities, tips and tricks, interesting use cases, technical how-to and above all networking with like minded folks. Please note that this forum is NOT intended for Sales or Recruitment this is solely for Technical Knowledge sharing sessions. Refer to user group community guidelines. Also connect with fellow Bengaluru Splunkers on Slack Splunk User Group channel #splunk_bengaluru_user_group. If you do not have access for Splunk User Group on Slack, refer to the docs for requesting the same.

"Splunkers Ondāgiri"... (closest I could get to "Avengers Assemble" in Kannada :) ).

Past events

Virtual Splunk User Group Event

Conf Files Precedence and Execution: The Concise Story by Vatsal Jagani

Virtual Splunk User Group Event

Year-End Holiday Celebration | December Bengaluru Splunk User Group Meetup

Virtual Splunk User Group Event

Post .conf21: Event Wrap-Up | October Bengaluru Splunk User Group Meetup

Virtual Splunk User Group Event

Splunk Dashboard Studio | September Bengaluru Splunk User Group Meetup

Load more


Sandeep Nayak

Sr. Sales Engineer Splunk Inc

Sayak Roy Chowdhury

Leader, Bengaluru Splunk User Group Honeywell

Balakrishna S

Leader, Bengaluru Splunk User Group

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