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Edinburgh Splunk User Group



We're a super friendly group of Splunk beginners, experts, engineers, customers, partners and consultants!

All are welcome and know that you entering a community which is both technically focused, but also here to support each other. 

We're into cybersecurity, IT operations and generally everything Splunk (and associated technology) related, so join up, attend our events and come say hello! We were founded in September 2016 and have over 250 members! 

Join us on Splunk Community Slack and in our LinkedIn Group

We'd also like to thank our supporters, Splunk for providing this site and funding our refreshments, Adarma and Edinburgh Napier University for hosting our in-person events, and also JetBrains who supply us with perks to give away to our members! 

We adopt and enforce the Berlin Code Of Conduct (CoC) for all our events and all cases of abuse or harassment are dealt with swiftly and in accordance with this CoC.
Any concerns or issues should be reported to the organiser(s) of this chapter: 

Andrew McManus ( / @andrewmcmanus on Splunk Community Slack)

Tom Wise ( / @tomwiseone on Splunk Community Slack)

Contact Us

Join Chapter


Tom Wise

Leader, Edinburgh Splunk User Group Adarma

Andrew McManus

Edinburgh User Group Leader Lloyds Banking Group

Past events

Virtual Splunk User Group Event

Building Custom Apps and Managing Splunk Alerts - Edinburgh Splunk User Group - 21st May 2024

Virtual Splunk User Group Event

Legacy Migrations and SC4S demo - Edinburgh SUG Feb 2024

In-Person or Hybrid User Group Event

December 2023 - Edinburgh Splunk User Group (In Person)

Virtual Splunk User Group Event

Pre-Conf Session! Tom Wise discusses SOAR Efficiency

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