Practical SOAR Examples from the Field

Apr 4, 2024, 5:00 – 6:15 AM (UTC)

Canberra Splunk User Group

Matt Bennett (Hyperion3) and Richard Hampshire (Splunk) will be providing a sneak peek of a presentation titled "Practical SOAR Examples from the Field" that they will be delivering at Conf ( in June.

About this event

Welcome to our second meeting of 2024.

Matt Bennett (Hyperion3) and Richard Hampshire (Splunk) will be providing a sneak peek of a presentation titled "Practical SOAR Examples from the Field" that they will be delivering at Conf ( in June.  The presentation is still in development so feedback and questions from the attendees will likely help to shape the final version presented at Conf.

Matt and Richard will talk about how to get faster value from SOAR and some methodologies in playbook development, and they hope to include a link to a git repo of playbooks to leverage.

Please note that our venue sponsor (AWS Canberra) requires that visitors to their venue be registered.  This process will be a lot faster if you preregister for the event before COB Wednesday April 3 - please bring photo ID.



Thursday, April 4, 2024
5:00 AM – 6:15 AM (UTC)


4:45 AMArrivals / Registrations
5:10 AMKick off - including introductions
5:20 AMMain presentation
6:00 AMClosing


  • Chris Barrett


    Owner, and Principal Consultant

  • Matt Searles


    Professional Services Regional Architect

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