HYBRID: DASUG 2nd-Tuesday Dec 12 Presents: Splunk Edge Processor: Data Transformation @ Data Source

Dec 13, 2023, 12:00 – 2:00 AM (UTC)

Dallas Area Splunk User Group

Splunk Edge? Edge Processor? Edge Hub? Just what is this Edge stuff? Come find out and you will leave understanding: 1: Splunk Edge Processor and its architecture 2: How Splunk Edge Processor fits in with the rest of your Splunk Cloud Platform feature set 3: Key uses cases for leveraging Splunk Edge Processor within your Splunk environment.

About this event

Splunk Edge? Edge Processor? Edge Hub? Just what is this Edge stuff?
Come hear Sr. Sales Engineer Raja Tamilarasan explain this new Splunk offering.
You will leave understanding:
1: Splunk Edge Processor and its architecture
2: How Splunk Edge Processor fits in with the rest of your Splunk Cloud Platform feature set
3: Key uses cases for leveraging Splunk Edge Processor within your Splunk environment.

This will be BOTH a virtual event AND a live event @ NEW VENUE: Set Solutions in Frisco:
25N Coworking Frisco
9355 John W. Elliott Dr #25
Frisco, TX 75033

Located in the first floor of the Waterford Market apartments.

See map for the main entrance and parking information:

Feel free to start the conversation early in the #dallas channel of splunk-usergroups.slack.com (sign up with http://splk.it/slack).


  • Raja Tamilarasan


    Sr. Sales Engineer


  • Gregg Woodcock

    Splunxter, Inc.




Wednesday, December 13, 2023
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM (UTC)


Soft Start
Hard Start
Free Time


  • Chuck Brown

    Set Solutions, Inc.

    Service Delivery Manager


  • Gregg Woodcock

    Splunxter, Inc.

  • Noah Woodcock

Event Sponsor

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Set Solutions

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Splunxter, Inc.

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