Conf20 Recap - Phantom and Security

Dec 4, 2020, 12:00 – 1:00 PM (UTC)

Edinburgh Splunk User Group

Join us for an online Splunk User Group discussing the recent Splunk .Conf20 Conference, with a focus on the new Security Announcements, and Phantom. (Co-hosted by North East England)

About this event

We return from the first Virtual .Conf to to discuss the new announcements, products and features soon to come to Splunk. Firstly, Andrew will generally cover .Conf itself, mentioning the major announcements. Harry will then cover more specifically the updates to the Security Suite, especially Mission Control. Finally, Ilias Diamantakos, will go over the new features in Phantom 4.9.

At the end of the event, we will open up for general discussion about conf.


  • General Conf20 Recap: Andrew McManus (Splunk Consultant - Co-Leader of Edinburgh SUG)
  • Security Announcements and Launches: Harry McLaren (Product Lead - Co-Leader and Founder of Edinburgh SUG)
  • What's new in Phantom 4.9: Ilias Diamantakos (Splunk/Phantom Consultant)
  • General Discussion (Time Permitting): Moderated by Harry McLaren, and Andrew McManus

Joining via Teams

This virtual event will use Microsoft Teams for remote participation, provided by our local supporter, Adarma. 

Code of Conduct

We adopt and enforce the Berlin Code of Conduct (CoC) for all our events and all cases of abuse or harassment are dealt with swiftly and in accordance with this CoC.

Any concerns or issues should be reported to the organisers of this chapter:

Harry McLaren ( / @cyberharibu on Twitter / @Harry on Splunk Community Slack)

Andrew McManus ( / @Andrew McManus on Splunk Community Slack)

Contributing to the SUG

We are always looking out for new speakers or participants to this SUG. We can be contacted in many ways:

Splunk Community: Interact with us at the new Splunk Community Hub page

Slack: Join up to the Splunk Community Slack at and join us at #Edinburgh

LinkedIn: User Group LinkedIn Page


  • Andrew McManus

    Adarma Security

    Security Consultant

  • Harry McLaren


    Product Lead for Detection & Response

  • Tom Wise


    Senior Consultant



Friday, December 4, 2020
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (UTC)


Conf Recap
Security Platform Updates
What's new in Phantom 4.9


  • Andrew McManus

    Adarma Security

    Security Consultant

  • Harry McLaren


    Product Lead for Detection & Response

  • Tom Wise


    Senior Consultant

Contact Us