Virtual Boss of the NOC

Apr 28, 2020, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (UTC)

Helsinki Splunk User Group

We are hosting the first ever virtual pan-Nordic Boss of the NOC event.

About this event

At this event, teams of up to four members work together to solve simulated scenarios that occur in everyday IT life. We recommend that you register as a team of four players to have the best chance of becoming the “Boss of the NOC”. Of course, individuals can also register, we will then group you with other players on site. Possible scenarios of the competition can be the following:

My page doesn't load..?

I cant get to the CMS..?

The network is pretty slow...

All files are gone! HELP!

No one can place orders on our site!

These are tasks and questions taken from real life - from your daily lives - and now is the time to show that you and your team is the fastest and best Splunk Ninja in the Nordics.

Come together as a company team or as fellowship borne out of this user group. As it is virtual, you strictly don't NEED to be in the same room. You will be able to communicate with your team members in separate chat rooms or via your own chat. The data and the Splunk platform will be run by us - your friendly SE's - you "just" have to complete the tasks/question to win the amazing award and the pride and glory of the whole North Splunk community.

Sign up page:



Tuesday, April 28, 2020
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (UTC)


10:00 AMIntroduction and opening with details and population to team chat rooms.
10:30 AMGame begins
3:00 PMGame finish and WINNER is announced


  • Juha Tamminen

    E2 Software Oy

  • Ulf Thornander


  • Risto Rantalaiho


    Leader (Splunker), Helsinki Splunk User Group

  • Ismo Soutamo

    Data Findings Oy

    Principal consultant

  • Jonas Lind


    Sales Engineer

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