Dec 4, 2020, 12:00 – 2:00 PM (UTC)
So the topics (apart from the general sharing&caring) 1. Fredrik&Bjørn from Atea's X-team will talk about a couple of IoT Use Cases from the Stavanger region. 30/45 min. 2. Magnus Johansson (IKEA) Live demo of fast DevOps deployment in containers to normalise DNS data for monitoring. 30/45 min. 3. Mikael Bjerkeland (our own in-house Cisco guru) about "Security as code" - 30/40 min. 4. Round-table
1. Fredrik & Bjørn from Atea´s SmartX team will go through a couple of IoT Use Cases from the Stavanger region. They´ve used Splunk for parsing and visualizing data from sensors, combined with the local municipalities´ own field data. The result is a pretty good IoT platform that can handle any kind of device, at a price that anyone can afford. It will be mostly demo, and questions are very welcome
2. Magnus Johansson from the IKEA stronghold in Småland, will in a smooth way show how easy it is to deploy Splunk in a DevOps environment and easily ingest and normalise DNS data by using Splunk in containers.
3. Our own Norwegian wizard Mikael will show a very streamlined process on how you can deploy security monitoring as code through automation and some clever tricks.
4. We will round off with a round-table talk. Suggested topics can be: What will the new capabilities that Rigor,Plumbr and Flowmill brings mean to the data in Splunk?
We'll run a pan-Nordic user group meeting. Figure you have something to share (yes of course you do) with your fellow Nordic Splunkers?
Or do you just want to debrief the .conf20 and tip everyone off about the fantastic session XYZ123?
Hold the date and help build the agenda.
If nothing else, we Splunkers can show something about anything you would like to know.
Drop an email with your thoughts :)
Staff Sales Engineer
Atea AS
SmartX Guy
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