.conf24 recap; Rev Up YourSearches; Protect your critical assets from external threats: July SFBA UG

Jul 18, 1:00 – 3:00 AM

San Francisco Bay Area Splunk User Group

We will review the highlights of the .conf Splunk user conference held in June. Becky Burwell will present her short talk "Rev Up Your Searches with This One Trick!" Shimon Modi will give a talk on "Protect your critical assets from external threats by using Dataminr’s wide range of real-time, AI-based alerts"

About this event

The Splunk user conference, .conf,24 had hundreds technical sessions not including keynotes and featured guest speakers. Let's discuss as a usergroup the highlights of this conference. Be prepared to briefly share your highlight!

Becky Burwell, Senior Production Engineer at Yahoo will present her five minute talk "Rev Up Your Searches with This One Trick!"

Shimon Modi will give a talk on "Protect your critical assets from external threats by using Dataminr’s wide range of real-time, AI-based alerts". 

Please note:  Dataminr is sponsoring this usergroup meeting.


  • Shimon Modi


    Vice President of Product Management

  • Becky Burwell

    Yahoo Mail | SplunkTrust

    Senior Production Engineer at



Thursday, July 18, 2024
1:00 AM – 3:00 AM UTC


Meet and Greet
Meeting starts


  • Becky Burwell


    Leader, San Francisco Bay Area Splunk User Group

  • Manan Grover


    Sales Engineer


    User Group Staff

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