Dec 14, 2023, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
San Francisco Bay Area Splunk User Group
We will have one last meeting of 2023 and hear from Mark McCullough, SplunkTrust member and Cyber Security Architect at SLAC, give a talk he calls "Writing the Fine (Splunk) Manual."
Please join the San Francisco User Group for our last meeting of 2023! This meeting will be virtual but we will have an in-person meeting in San Jose in early 2024.
At this meeting Mark McCullough, SplunkTrust member and Cyber Security Architect at SLAC, will give us an interesting talk. His talk teaser:
Got alerts? Of course you do. Rely on tribal knowledge of how to respond to each alert? Have alerts that no one remembers why they're important or what to do? Could you drop a new team member into your environment with just the documentation and expect them to know what to do? Join us to walk through Writing The Fine Manual, not just for compliance, but to ensure that others can Read said Fine Manual.
Cyber Security Architect
Thursday, December 14, 2023
7:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC
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