Splunk for DevOps Talk - Splunk STL Virtual User Group

Apr 28, 2020, 6:00 – 7:30 PM

St. Louis Splunk User Group

Zoom recording link of the meeting: https://splunk.zoom.us/rec/share/v_ZJL-vb-0NIXp3ps3ycZLNwBoHiX6a8hyMarvoPyB3Z8zTHrj_z3H6oKrOLEkaM We will be hosting Chris Riley, a Technology Advocate for Splunk for a talk about DevOps.

About this event

Join Splunk's DevOps Advocate Chris Riley to learn about how Splunk's portfolio of technologies helps the world of DevOps and Application Development. In this virtual session Chris will detail how the Splunk suite of products addresses the pain points of monitoring modern delivery chains, supporting Kubernetes and Microservices, keeping up with application release velocity, and value stream management. The technologies we will look at are Splunk Core, SignalFX and VictorOps. Bring your questions about DevOps or how to better leverage Splunk to support DevOps environments.

Recent Content:

- DevSecOpsDays event where Chris spoke: https://www.devsecopsdays.com/2020-devsecops-days-san-francisco-0

- Recent book Chris co-authored: https://www.sonatype.com/epic-failures-2

- Recent interview on Digital Anarchist: https://digitalanarchist.com/chris-riley-splunk-mp4/

- Recent blog post on SRE: https://devops.com/moving-from-noc-to-the-sre-model/

Featured Attendee

  • Abhishek Shukla


    AVP - Splunk Lead Developer


  • Chris Riley


    Technology Advocate



Tuesday, April 28, 2020
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM UTC


Splunk and DevOps
Question and Answer
Event End


  • Al Wolk


    Regional Sales Manager

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