
Montreal Splunk User Group


Upcoming Events

19 sept 2024

In-Person or Hybrid User Group Event

Montreal Post-Conf usergroup

Now that both .Conf and summer vacations are behind us, let's meet to exchange on the announcement and share ideas!


SMUG is a Splunk User Group designed to foster and educate our local community of Splunkers (definition - a person who likes to Splunk).

As a platform for machine data, people are constantly coming up with new and innovative ways to use Splunk.  We want to share use cases, provide education, tips & tricks and exposure to cool things you can do with Splunk, and, of course, have fun!

All past, present, and wannabe Splunkers in the Montréal area - or any Splunkers ready to make a road trip to Montréal - are invited to attend. Feel free to bring your friends and colleagues!  The user group meetings are meant to be a safe space where you can share ideas with like-minded IT professionals.

We aim to meet about once a quarter, or more if we feel like it.

Contact Us

Join Chapter


Maxime Delwaide

User Group Leader, Splunk

Christian Cloutier

User Group Leader, Splunk Splunk

Daniel Phaneuf

User Group Leader, Splunk

Bryan Beaulieu

Montreal User Group Leader

Pooja Patil

User Group Leader, Splunk

Past events

In-Person or Hybrid User Group Event


In-Person or Hybrid User Group Event

SMUG : Édition de Juin

In-Person or Hybrid User Group Event

Groupe d'utilisateurs Splunk - Montréal - SMUG Reboot!
