Europe, Middle East, and Africa
20 ene 2025
In-Person or Hybrid User Group Event
Splunk Observability
Business resilience je novou mantrou. Observabilita je moderní koncept jak jí docílit a zajistit fungování byznysu v případě neočekávaných událostí. Účastníkům poodhalíme odvážnou roadmapu a vize, nabídneme jim praktickou zkušenost klienta s nástrojem Splunk Synthetic Monitoring a představíme jim globální open source iniciativu OpenTelemetry, projekt pod křídly Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
Welcome to the first official Splunk community platform for all Splunkers in Prague, Czech Republic. Whether you are an experienced Splunk expert, newbie or you have only heard about Splunk and want to know more this platform is for all of you! Living, growing, and thriving Splunk community to shares ideas and experience is its goal.
When do we meet?
Every first Monday every two months (January, March, May, July, August, October)
Do you want to host a meetup? Do you want to be a speaker? Do you have an interesting topic or a success story?
Let us know!
How to talk to us?
Slack -> splunk-usergroups (workspace) -> #sug-prague (channel)
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